
Commentary on the Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

This Logos Bible Software edition contains the text of R.H. Charles' notes and commentary on the Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, edited by R.H. Charles (1913 edition), is a collection of Jewish religious writings, mainly from the centuries leading up to the New Testament events. They are arguably the most important non-biblical...

Hîlûjâsĕph. Note play on נוסף ‘is added’. 18–20. Summer to autumn. 19. the signs of (his) days β. ‘the days of his sign’ gmt (qu). 20. This verse is confused. The three names are those of the leaders of the three months. The fourth, Asfâêl, is an inversion of Hîlûjâsĕph (verse 17), and belongs to the first triad. There is no account of the remaining six months. The redactor may have omitted them. 83–84. The first Dream-Vision dials with the Deluge or first world-judgement.
Volume 2, Page 248